基於 MHz 開關頻率的器件助力實現 DC-DC 轉換器和 EMI 濾波器的小型化
想像一下,使用 DC-DC 轉換器解決方案來利用高頻開關的優勢,而不會發生傳統解決方案的缺點
Density of power components has increased several orders of magnitude over the past couple of decades. On one hand this has led to a significant reduction in size and cost of power electronic converters; on the other hand, designing the appropriate cooling solution has become more and more challenging. In many cases, thermal management is the gating item that determines the feasibility of a project, and the thermal management solutions need to be evaluated at a very early stage in the design of a power supply.
To simplify your thermal evaluation Vicor has released several simulation models that enable evaluation of the thermal characteristics of our products. The simulator allows you to do a preliminary evaluation of the functionality of our products in your specific environment and operating conditions. The simulator evaluates whether the operating conditions selected by the user when under the selected cooling option are within specification, or if modification to the selected cooling strategy are needed.Overview of Vicor thermal simulator interface. In this example, the cooling type selected was “Heat Sink”. The Option of a “User Defined Cold Plate” is also available.
With just a few clicks, you can select the Vicor power component you are planning to use, customize your source and load conditions, ambient temperature, and evaluate the feasibility under several possible choices of cooling solutions. These solutions may include various types of Vicor heatsinks, as well as custom defined cold plate solutions. In a few seconds you will be able to determine the ideal cooling approach for your project, and you can proceed with your design knowing that thermal management has been addressed already!
Figure 2: Examples of results returned by the thermal simulation: the top image shows a cooling solution that is adequate for the selected operating conditions; the bottom one shows a cooling solution that is undersized, and provides directions on how to improve the thermal management.
基於 MHz 開關頻率的器件助力實現 DC-DC 轉換器和 EMI 濾波器的小型化
想像一下,使用 DC-DC 轉換器解決方案來利用高頻開關的優勢,而不會發生傳統解決方案的缺點
採用 48V 區域架構,打造面向未來的先進電動汽車
隨著原始設備製造商(OEM)採用 48V 電源架構,他們正努力優化其電源系統設計。 Vicor 的高功率密度模組可為 48V 區域架構提供峰值效率
電動汽車(EV)存在重量問題。Vicor 高密度功率模組與 48V 區域架構相結合,可顯著減輕重量並提升效率